How to Rekey a Car Key
How to Rekey a Car Key

Sep 16, 2021

How to Rekey a Car Key

If your car key has been stolen, you’re having problems with the ignition or locks, or you simply want to upgrade your car’s security, you’ll need to rekey your car keys. Rekeying a car involves altering your car’s lock mechanism so that it works with a new key. In other words, you’ll keep the same lock but use a different key to operate it. When you rekey a car key, you don’t change the lock. You simply change the keys that operate the lock to new ones.

If you’re a new car owner, you may not understand the process of rekeying a car key. In this guide, we will look at how to rekey a car key.

Step 1: Evaluating The Lock

A locksmith will start the rekeying process with an evaluation of your car’s door locks to determine the type of internal components the locks use. If your car key cannot turn in the ignition or it’s broken in the ignition, the locksmith will troubleshoot to find out why the key is not turning or use a key extractor to remove the broken key before rekeying.  

Step 2: Taking The Lock Apart and Replacing Internal Components

The second step is to alter the internal components of the car door lock so that the existing keys will no longer operate it. This step is perhaps the most time-consuming and requires a lot of care because one simple mistake can render the car key dysfunctional. If you don’t fix the components the right way, the new key may not work with the door lock. That’s why it’s a good idea to let an experienced locksmith help you if you’re not a locksmith.

Step 3:  Rekeying

Once you’ve taken your lock apart, rearrange the internal components to make the lock work with a new key. When rearranging these components, be careful not to lose track of the correct arrangement or lose some parts.  Getting this step right requires knowledge of how car door locks work and specialty tools. Misassembly can result in the car key not working.

If you’re not an experienced locksmith, you should never attempt to rekey a car key yourself. This process should be left to auto locksmiths with experience and the right tools to do the job. DIY rekeying is not advisable because you can end up damaging the ignition and you may not be able to get it right. Always call a reliable locksmith when you need to rekey your car key. At Fast Austin Locksmith, we can help you with rekeying car keys, changing car door locks, lockout service, and key duplication.

Need to Rekey Your Car Keys? Let Fast Austin Locksmith Help

There are many circumstances where you’ll need to rekey your car key. Having your car key rekeyed enhances your vehicle’s security and gives you peace of mind. When it’s time to rekey your car key, contact Fast Austin Locksmith to help you. At Fast Austin Locksmith, we can rekey car keys for different car models at competitive rates.